Simple Monitoring with Email Alerts that works on LSI MegaRAID and Adaptec

This tool will poll the output of command(s) or URL(s), and send email alerts if the output changes, contains (or not contains) certain text, or becomes unavailable. It’s a light weight, reliable monitoring replacement for the pile of garbage most RAID vendors include with their cards. Complex excludes and finds can be specified as Perl regex patterns — useful for suppression various noise (RAID verify, ect). The default configuration includes examples that will monitor local LSI or Adaptec cards.

Note – Tested on CentOS only. if someone wants to try Alien on Debian please let me know how it works.

rpm -ivh

After installation, edit /etc/cloud.ini then:

service cloud-mon restart

Make sure you have logrotate installed to prevent log growth. This package includes a simple logrotate script.

2 Responses to Simple Monitoring with Email Alerts that works on LSI MegaRAID and Adaptec

  1. aprogrammer says:

    Thanks. If you need install on debian – you can use repo like describe here –

  2. Shib says:

    Do u have a 64-bit version of the RPM? Or if u can point me to a source rpm, i can build it and test.