Ajax Password Generator
Ajax-based password generation written in PHP/Javascript. It saves password length option in cookies.
Ajax-based password generation written in PHP/Javascript. It saves password length option in cookies.
Automatically create a batch of thumbnail images using PHP.
Run this nifty Perl script daily or weekly via cron. This will keep your voicemail from overflowing and unknowingly rejecting new voicemail. #!/usr/bin/perl # # Script to expire voicemail after a specified number of days # by Steve Creel # # Directory housing the voicemail spool for asterisk $dir = “/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail”; # Context for which […]
Here’s a simple Javascript-based bookmarking script for your site. It automatically populates the page name and URL so you don’t have to. Put this in the <HEAD>: <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”> function addToFav() { if(window.sidebar){ window.sidebar.addPanel(document.title, this.location,””); }else{ window.external.AddFavorite(this.location,document.title); } } </script> Then, you can add a link in your <BODY>: Bookmark Us!
Sometimes you might need to add one or more lines of text to the top of an existing text file. Let ‘sed’ rescue you: sed -i ‘1iSTUFF TO ADD’ file.txt You can add multiple lines (separated by \n) to multiple files at once: sed -i ‘1iSTUFF TO ADD\nMORE STUFF’ *.txt